We Now Have Two Locations
in Huntsville, Alabama
Physcial Therapy: (256) 924-0881
Acupuncture: (256) 716-4048
Caroline Choppa, MSPT
Meredith Johnson, MPT
Nicholas Choppa, LAc / LMT
Katelyn Hubbard, DPT

Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture in Huntsville, AL

About Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are used to treat specific illness and injury, but also focuses on maintaining health and balance through disease prevention. The history of Chinese medicine is over 2500 years old and consists of Acupuncture, manual therapy and herbal medicine. In addition to western medicine knowledge of anatomy and physiology, Chinese medicine also recognizes the flow of Qi (energy) through meridian lines where Acupuncture points are located. When Acupuncture points are stimulated, this Qi is moved allowing homeostasis to return to various organs and tissues in the body. As your body returns to a state of balance, internal organs function better, energy and immune systems are strengthened , and you experience increased mental capacity and emotional stability. Acupunture is complementary to Western medical care by a qualified physician.

The Acupuncture Teatment

Every aspect of treatment carries the same level of confidentiality as any medical environment.

Your Intitial Visit:
In the privacy of a treatment room, we will complete your intake by reviewing your health history questionnaire with past illnesses and current symptoms. In Diagnosing, we may include evaluating your tongue and pulses, or discussing if your symptoms are affected by weather, body movement, stress, or time of day. Once this initial intake is complete, then treatment begins.

You will rest on a soft massage table with pillows. If you’re wearing loose clothing, there is often no need to change. During treatment, you are covered, exposing only the body parts necessary for treatment. Sanitary techniques and universal precautions are used while inserting special, small Acupuncture needles. All needles are sterile, single-use, and disposable. You will feel very few of the needles - the worst sensation is very minor - similar to the sensation of pulling a hair out of the skin. After 3-4 minutes, your needles are all in place and it is time to relax, balance, and heal. Treatments typically last 20-30 minutes, and are actually very relaxing.

Acupuncture DOES NOT have to be painful to be effective!

What You Can Expect

Results can often be seen with one treatment, but three or more treatment are advised to determine full effectiveness. Any changes within 1 to 3 days after a treatment can be attributed to acupuncture, provided there were no other types of treatment. The number of acupuncture treatments depends on a few factors;

  • The severity of the illness; a mild condition responds more quickly, a more severe condition will require more treatment.
  • The length of time of condition; Symptoms that appeared recently will respond faster than a long-term condition.
  • Your overall health; Someone in robust health will respond morequickly compared to patients who have experienced compromised health.

Please note; these guidelines are generalized and not necessarily true for all of our patients. Many patients in relatively poor health with long-term conditions have often seen dramatic results in a few treatments.

Within Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, illness is recognized as disharmony and imbalance within the body. Our treatments are focused on removing the disturbances so your balance and homeostasis returns and your state of overall health improves. From a holistic standpoint, treating symptoms is important, but it is also vital to find and address the root cause of the issues. This will help you find long-lasting solutions. We tailor each of our treatments to your needs and constitution.

We will examine your symptoms and seek to find any patterns of illness. We might inquire about your diet, lifestyle, mental stress, trauma, and environmental factors. Using a holistic approach, we will focus on treating your symptoms with acupunture, acupressure, herbs and supplements, lifestyle change, and other alternative medical treatments.

We will always address the underlying case of your symptoms. Different people with the same symptoms may have different illnesses. For example; migraines vary depending on the person. A migraine can be caused by lack of sleep, emotional imbalance, spinal misalignment, chronic infection, stress, food, nutritional deficiency, or environmental allergies. This is why it is so important to root out the cause of your symptoms and why each treatment is individualized and unique.

Listed here are many conditions we treat at TRUE NORTH WELLNESS CENTER. If you cannot find your condition or symptom on the list below, please contact us to find out how we can help you.

Neurological and Musculoskeletal
Pain, Headache, Migraine, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial (Bell’s) Palsy (first 3-6 months), Meniere’s Disease, Vertigo, Frozen Shoulder, Weakness following Stroke, Intercostal Neuralgia, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Syndrome, Seizures, Tremors, Neuropathy.

Gastrointestinal Disorders
IBS, Colitis, Acid Reflux, Hyperacidity, Gastrities, Hiccough, Esophageal Spasm.

Spinal Pain
Neck pain, Upper back pain, Lower Back pain, Sacral pain, Sciatica, Arm pain, Leg pain, Knee pain, Arthritis.

Respiratory System
Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Allergies, Rhinitis, Pneumonia, Influenza, Sore Throat, Common Cold

Mouth Disorders
TMJ, Gingivitis, Toothache, Post-Extraction Pain.

Psychiatric Disorders
Anxiety, Stress/Tension, Addiction, Depression, Insomnia, Attention Deficit Disorder.

Women’s Health
PMS, Menstrual Cramps, Excess Bleeding, Amenorrhea, Menopause, Sexual Dysfunction, Bladder Prolapse.

Cardiovascular Disorders
Anemia, Dizziness, Vertigo, Irregular Heartbeat, Palpitations, Low Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure.

Dermatological Disorders
Acne, Allergic Reactions, Eczema, Itching, Rashes, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Dandruff, Dry Skin.

Cancer Treatment
Please contact Nicholas or send an Email

Your health is of utmost importance to us. We will explain how acupuncture works and the wide variety of benefits it offers. Possible recommendations of herbs, supplements, diet or lifestyle changes may be offered. If your recovery would benefit from other modalities, we would refer you to another practitioner within our clinic providing Physical Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, Herbal Treatment, and Neurogen Brain Balancing. When needed we also work closely with other practitioners including Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Rolfing/Structural Integration Therapists, and others. Our job is to help Navigate you back to Health and Wellness, finding your own TRUE NORTH!

Ionic Foot Baths

Toxic! Who? Me??
Like it or not, we are lying in the most toxic environment in the history of the earth. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with pollutants from the air as well as from the food and water supply, ultra-violet radiation, and from electromagnetic frequencies. Even those medications we take can leave toxic footprints within our bodies, making us feel sluggish, tired or leaving us with aches and pains.

Any form of stress can causes toxic waste build-up in the body just like environmental pollutants do! We end up feeling tired with reduced energy and stamina. The body becomes sluggish and we may develop allergies, diseases, aches and pains, and a myriad of other ailments.

No matter what the source of the toxins might be, there is a way to help wash all that away! It’s called an Ionic Detox Footpath.

In very simple terms, the Ionic Detox Footpath works by charging the water in your foot tub with positive ions. This, in turn, causes your body to release negative ions, which is BENEFICIAL! Here are some of the many benefits from receiving an Ionic Foot Bath;

  • Full body detoxification
  • Cleanses all fluid and tissue
  • Aids in recovery time from disease and injury
  • Removes toxins without taxing the liver and kidneys
  • Reduces fluid retention
  • Helps with depression
  • Relieves fibromyalgia
  • Improves sleep
  • Headache and Pain Relief
  • Removes heavy metals
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Help reduce hypertension
  • Relieves peripheral neuropathy
  • Relieves Gout
  • Relieves migraines
  • Relieves PMS
  • Reduces Acne, Psoriasis and eczema
  • Relieves Arthritis
  • Improves general metabolism
  • Improves alertness
  • Improves body pH balance
AL License #: PTH7418   |   NPI#1215479084
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