True North Physical Therapy
and Wellness in Huntsville, Alabama
Your journey toward optimal health and well-being begins right here! We are committed to helping solve your perplexing health problems and physical injuries by addressing the root causes and imbalances. We employ holistic, natural treatments and various modalities to assist in your healing process to include Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Massage. Our staff works closely together in an effort to heal the whole person. Your body is designed to heal. Together, we will help guide you toward your ideal state of health.
True North Physical Therapy
and Wellness in Huntsville, Alabama
Your journey toward optimal health and well-being begins right here! We are committed to helping solve your perplexing health problems and physical injuries by addressing the root causes and imbalances. We employ holistic, natural treatments and various modalities to assist in your healing process to include Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Massage. Our staff works closely together in an effort to heal the whole person. Your body is designed to heal. Together, we will help guide you toward your ideal state of health.